Friday, November 21, 2014

"To poke a wood fire is more solid enjoyment than almost anything else in the world." ~Charles Dudley Warner

This morning I commenced with my usual routine upon rising from bed - I turned on my Keurig to brew my morning cup of coffee.  As the water was heating, I took Buster outside.  It's been raining here, and I could smell it - you know, the unmistakable but indescribable scent of rain.  Throughout the night, I could hear the faint patter of raindrops on the roof - that hypnotic, comforting sound that induces sleep.

Simple pleasures.  A hot shower, the first sip of coffee in the morning, a good book, the smell of rain, the scent of freshly mowed grass, the warmth of the sun after a cold and cloudy day, chocolate, Sunday afternoon naps, Andy's frozen custard, writing with a good pen, an unexpected text message, puppy dog licks on the chin, laughter... The list could go on and on. (Did I mention Andy's frozen custard?)

They are different for each one of us.  The little things in life we experience daily that bring joy.  As I consider blessings I often take for granted, today I will focus on appreciating the simple pleasures more fully.  How do I do this?

In a 2012 study published in Psychological Science, researchers found that participants were more likely to rate a piece of chocolate as more pleasurable when they were told it was their “last one” rather than their “next one.”  This is because when we think something is going to be our last experience, we try to make the most out of it while we can, therefore we’re more motivated to savor it. We tend to want things to end on a happy note.  So imagine if we treated all of life's simple pleasures as if we are experiencing them for the last time - this attitude could help us savor them more. 

In order to do this, though, I will have to slow down.  We get so busy with so many things on our "to do" lists, and we have so much "noise" from constant input and activity, that taking the time to consciously savor the simple things takes effort.  But if I focus more on the "little things," I believe I will be encouraged by just how rich and full life can be, and will be overwhelmed by my blessings.

I think I'll go get that hot shower now.

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