Over the past year, I have treasured every moment. And Lydia really does make every moment more special! Like the quote above, being a Mimi has made every experience I am blessed to have with Lydia more "fresh, alive, and honest." And it has taught me an entirely new kind of love. My favorite moments have been these...
The cuddle times... especially during her first few weeks of life, when her mommy and daddy needed sleep, and Mimi had middle-of-the night hours of rocking. I would sit and just stare at her - soaking in the feel, and the smell, and the sound of her. And the other rocking and cuddling times over the past year - when the grownups were playing Ticket to Ride, and Mimi gladly volunteered to rock the baby. Or when Lydia just didn't seem to want to nap in her bed, but was perfectly content to sleep in Mimi's arms for a couple of hours. I could literally hold that sleeping baby for days if she would let me!
But I've also loved all the other moments with Lydia as well... giving her baths, playing with her, reading to her, and just watching her discover her world . . .

And, of course, it is great fun to take selfies with Lydia!
I love watching Sarah navigate her new world of motherhood, and I do that with awe and wonder. She is such an amazing mother - I always knew she would be, but it gives me such pride and joy to be able to observe that sweet love and interaction between my baby with her baby.

Anne Tyler wrote of grandchildren,"“She loved them so much that she felt a kind of hollowness on the inner surface of her arms whenever she looked at them- an ache of longing to pull them close and hold them tight against her.” I think every grandmother can relate to that "ache of longing" she writes about. This love - this wonderful experience of being a Mimi - is indescribable.
The writer of Proverbs put it best when he wrote, "Grandchildren are the crowning glory of the aged" (Proverbs 17:6).
What a wonderful year! So blessed, so thankful, and so prayerful - praying for Lydia's continued good health and growth, especially her growth in the Lord as she is taught each day about Him by her capable parents. Prayerful that she will always have a heart that is tender to that godly instruction, and that she will grow up to honor Him. And also prayerful for many more - both more years, and . . . more grandchildren!
Happy Birthday, Lydia!! You rock my world! Can't wait to see you TOMORROW!
What a wonderful year! So blessed, so thankful, and so prayerful - praying for Lydia's continued good health and growth, especially her growth in the Lord as she is taught each day about Him by her capable parents. Prayerful that she will always have a heart that is tender to that godly instruction, and that she will grow up to honor Him. And also prayerful for many more - both more years, and . . . more grandchildren!
Happy Birthday, Lydia!! You rock my world! Can't wait to see you TOMORROW!