That is the question that Sarah asked me recently when she and Lydia came for a visit. My initial response was, "Being a Mimi, by far!" I was thinking at the time about the fact that grandparents get to enjoy all of the great things about grandchildren with none of the responsibilities of parenting. But as I have thought about that, I would have to say that being a mommy and being a Mimi are equally wonderful - just in different ways.
The ensuing eight months were filled with great anticipation, as we monitored every doctor's appointment, ultrasound image, and pregnancy symptom. I enjoyed the excitement of watching Sarah's belly grow, and putting my hand there to feel Lydia move. We soaked in the pictures of the nursery, and the fun of a baby shower. And then on September 29, we relished every moment of that day - from the text message updates from Ryan, to holding the brand new, precious, sweet baby Lydia - my first grand baby.
Since that day, my life has been filled with Lydia moments - helping out the first few weeks after she was born, cuddling and rocking during the middle of the night, seeing her smile, changing her diaper, walking her back and forth in front of the Christmas tree lights, giving her baths,reading to her, cheering as she rolled over, and the list goes on and on.
Lydia turned four months old yesterday. I know I am new very new at this Mimi stuff, but I have learned a few things from my experiences so far...
Being a Mimi has reminded me of my Granny. I think more often about the relationship I had with her, and now in reverse I have that same relationship with Lydia. My Granny loved me like I love Lydia. I can appreciate that more now that I am a Mimi. Granny was special to me, and I KNEW that I was uniquely special to her. I especially treasure the times I spent with her after I was grown - no one else was ever as consistently happy to see me walk in the door as Granny was. I look forward to sharing lots of similar experiences - and more - with Lydia.
Becoming a Mimi has also caused me to have more concern for the state and future of this world. Following the natural course of things, Lydia will live in this world much longer than I will, and even longer than her parents, if the Lord wills. And that gives me great concern. It also causes me to pray more about the future of this world, and to pray for Lydia's future and faith.
Lydia causes time to slow down. I've noticed that when Lydia is here, sometimes I don't get a shower until noon. And I also tend to stay up later than usual at night. The laundry doesn't always stay caught up, and the house usually becomes unkempt. But all of that is more than ok - because that just means that I'm enjoying the precious moments spent with our sweet grandbaby. I could do nothing but spend time with her, and that would always be a perfect use of time.
Lydia takes me back to Sarah's infancy. Although Lydia looks more like her daddy, she shares a lot of the same characteristics of infancy with her mommy - like the way she sleeps with her arms spread out. As children grow, we tend to forget all of the sweetness of their babyhood - Lydia brings all of that back to my mind in a very vivid way.
Likewise, Lydia's presence gives me a whole new love and appreciation for Sarah. Sarah is such a great mommy! I watch her and am moved by the love she has for her little one - the same love I have for her. She reminds me of the extreme joy I felt over every little milestone, and the anxiety I felt over every little difficulty when I was a new mommy. My daughter, who is now a mother - now she gets it. She REALLY gets it in a way that can only be learned through experience. And I love observing that through her!
And finally, Lydia has brought a whole new love to my life. The love between grandmother and grandchild is as unique and special as any other love. That precious baby girl has literally turned my world upside down! I have this picture to the right as the background on my phone . . . And whenever I need a smile, I just look at it. I mean, seriously - have you EVER seen anything so precious? I relish every moment I get to spend with her, and I miss her when she's gone. And then, I eagerly anticipate the time I get to see her again. Every picture, every Facetime experience, every video, and every personal interaction is so precious and so treasured by this Mimi.

Four months. Actually a whole year. And in reality, over 25 years. So blessed, and so thankful for this precious child who made me a Mimi, and for the three children who made me a Mommy. Both of those roles are incomparable blessings too great to describe. These offspring make the future so bright. Psalm 127:3 states, "Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward." And Proverbs 17:6 says, "Grandchildren are the crown of the aged..." What a heritage and reward. And what a crown. Blessings that truly overwhelm.
Enjoyed reading your post. I couldn't agree more with your feelings of motherhood/grandmotherhood.