Wednesday, February 11, 2015

"Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does." ~William James

On Wednesday evenings, our Bible study at Rice Road always concludes with everyone meeting in the auditorium for a few songs, and a brief message.  A few weeks ago was no different.  But during the singing that particular night, I teared up a little bit.  It wasn't the songs that moved me, although they were good songs that praised our God.  It was the young man who stood before us - leading us in that singing for his first time.

This young man is very dear to our family - I tell him he is our "other son".  He came into our lives several years ago, when his girlfriend at the time - a young lady who had become quite close to my girls - had moved to Florida to go to college.  At that time, we were temporarily meeting for worship in the Holiday Inn on Sundays while our church building was being remodeled, and this young man would show up there to worship with us, and he would sit with our family.  He was always very engaged with the worship, and his attention to the sermon as he listened intently and looked up passages was obvious.  It was evident that he had a good heart - one that was searching for truth.

We continued to get to know him, and offered to study the Bible with him.  He said he had studied with his girlfriend's father, and he knew what we would have to offer - he said he just needed to study on his own and figure things out for himself.  He did that, and one Wednesday evening after a service on a hot July evening, he rendered obedience to the gospel, being baptized into Christ for the remission of his sins.  Most everyone had gone home already that evening, but we were there, and blessed to be able to witness that new birth.

This young man - who is now married to the girl I referenced earlier - has continued to grow in Christ.  That scrawny, uncertain young fella who made his way into our assembly five or so years ago has been changed by the gospel, as he strives to grow into the image of Christ.  He taught his first adult Bible class several months ago, and has brought several Wednesday night devotional talks - including one just last week.  And the week before, he led singing for the first time.  And I was moved, and encouraged, as I considered his growth in the Lord.

Encouragement.  The act of giving someone support, confidence, or hope.  We all need that.  And I received that by the simple act of observing and considering a young man growing in his service to Christ.  I also receive that weekly as I observe the many other young folks we are blessed to have as a part of our church family - young couples, and singles, who are devoted in their service to God.  Young ladies, who come to my home on Thursday nights to study the Bible together - their zeal and passion, along with their hunger to grow, encourages me.  Young mothers who are diligently teaching their children.  And young men, who are stretching themselves to grow in their leadership.  Then there are the children - particularly those I am currently teaching in Bible class, who have a keen interest in learning about God.  There are also those who battle with temptations, and are willing to publicly share those struggles as they seek God's forgiveness.  Not to mention the older folks - those who live with disease and pain, who fight through that to encourage others, as well as those who are willing to share their wisdom to help the younger ones grow.  Each one has his or her own story.  And those life stories encourage me.

We often think of our service to God as something we do to honor God and to help ourselves.  We serve, and that helps us grow in our future service.  It also helps us grow closer to God, and makes us stronger in our faith.  And while all of that is true, our growth and service help others as well.  The Scriptures bear that out, as we are told in passages like Hebrews 10:23-25, "...And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near."

I am thankful that God in His wisdom provided us with a spiritual family to help us maneuver through this sin-sick world.  And I am blessed to be a part of one of the best.  It is Wednesday, and I am looking forward to gathering with that family this evening.  I know I will be encouraged.

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