Our trip actually started out magnificently! As we flew west from DFW, we encountered some beautiful sights on a partly cloudy day over New Mexico and Arizona that screamed of the power and might of our Holy Creator. So much beauty that left me in awe. As I snapped photos out of the airplane window, I was overcome with how these pictures just did not do justice to the sights I was blessed to see below.
We saw snow-capped mountains as we flew over the San Mateo mountain range in New Mexico. We viewed the beauty and peacefulness of Lake
As I contemplated these wonders, I thought of passages such as Psalm 95:4, "In His hand are the depths of the earth, and the mountain peaks belong to Him." And also Romans 1:20, "For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse." These are the thoughts that filled my mind as we landed in Las Vegas, along with how greatly blessed I feel to be a child of the Almighty God.

Then - still not to baggage claim yet - I stopped in the restroom, and I saw this sign on the back of a stall door - an offer of help to victims of human trafficking. Such a plea to someone in the ladies' restroom wouldn't be there if this was not a problem. I immediately thought of how Las Vegas is referred to as "Sin City." I had only been here for 15 minutes or so, and I could already see why.
What a stark contrast from the beauty my Holy Creator had displayed for my viewing just minutes before.
We took an Uber from the airport the short distance to the hotel where we are staying, and the debauchery continued. Hotels here are set up in such a way that you cannot get to your room, to restaurants, or anywhere else in the hotel without walking through the smoke-filled casinos. By Wednesday night, I was beginning to think I had made a big mistake in coming.
It hasn't been all bad - I mean, how can you minimize the greatness of M&M World (all four stories of it) just down the street, not to mention Hershey World a block away! The food we've eaten has been amazing, and last night we saw Cirque du Soleil perform an unbelievable show. It has also been nice to have some "away" time with Jeff, along with some time to rest away from the always long "to do" lists of home, enjoying all of the perks that go with staying in a nice hotel. And Jeff has enjoyed his time at the CES, seeing some amazing innovative ideas in electronics.
I realize my exposure here has been extremely limited, and I'm sure there are other good things and good, godly people in parts of this city that I have not seen. But for the most part, it has just been sad to me to see the mass of humanity that pursues futile attempts to find pleasure and fulfillment in nothing but ungodliness.
Yes, Dorothy, you are right - we're not in Kansas anymore, and we are definitely not in East Texas. We fly home tomorrow and I am ready. Ready to be back in the conservative 'Bible Belt" where most people have some sense of the need to acknowledge a Higher Power and seek to serve Him. This brief trip to "Sin City" has made me more aware and thankful for the godly home I was raised in, the godly people in my little world, and God's providential care that has continually blessed me in unimaginable ways throughout my life - mostly through the abundant life He has given me through the blood of His Son. He offers that to everyone. I hope you are enjoying that, too.
"Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers; but his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night. He is like a tree planted by streams of water that yields its fruit in its season, and its leaf does not wither. In all that he does, he prospers." ~Psalm 1:1-3